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Last updates
20/08/2024: CANON X-07
02/08/2024: PB-770
 Download of the english version of the CASIO PB-770 manual (thanks to Swartz de)
 Download of the spanish version of the CASIO PB-770 manual
16/06/2024: CANON X-710
21/05/2024: Acquisitions: buying or gift
CASIO MA-3 (UK - Londres)
21/05/2024: MA-3
04/05/2024: SHARP EL-5100
 Download of the manual in english
13/04/2024: fx-991SP X II Iberia_CG
13/04/2024: fx-570SP X II Iberia_MS
13/04/2024: fx-82SP X II Iberia_CG
13/04/2024: FX-82SP X II Iberia_MC
13/04/2024: fx-85SPX II Iberia_SG
13/04/2024: fx-991 SP X II Iberia_MC
13/04/2024: fx-85SP X II Iberia_HI
13/04/2024: fx-570SP X II Iberia_AL
13/04/2024: fx-82SP X II Iberia_JW
10/04/2024: Acquisitions: buying or gift
CASIO DQ-900 (France)
03/04/2024: DQ-900
31/03/2024: DQ-610
31/03/2024: DQ-580
28/03/2024: Acquisitions: buying or gift
CASIO RT-80 (France - LBC)
28/03/2024: Acquisitions: buying or gift
CASIO DQ-580 (France - LBC)
28/03/2024: MA-1
25/03/2024: Acquisitions: buying or gift
CASIO DQ-550 (France)
25/03/2024: PQ-30 New
25/03/2024: DQ-583
25/03/2024: PQ-31
25/03/2024: DQ-543
24/03/2024: DQ-651
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24/03/2024: TQ-316
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I am an eBay Partner compensated if you buy
24/03/2024: RT-80
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I am an eBay Partner compensated if you buy
21/03/2024: SWC-21
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I am an eBay Partner compensated if you buy
20/03/2024: Acquisitions: buying or gift
CASIO MA-1 (France)
18/03/2024: Acquisitions: buying or gift
SWC-21 (France)
11/03/2024: CANON X-07
 Download in english (users guide)
10/03/2024: Acquisitions: buying or gift
CASIO TQ-270 (France)
10/03/2024: SHARP PC-1600
10/03/2024: CANON X-07
10/03/2024: Radio Shack TRS-80
10/03/2024: Tandy PC-4
04/03/2024: TI-74s
15/02/2024: fx-201p
 Presentation of fx-201p computing
13/02/2024: AS-8E
12/02/2024: TI-74 BASICALC
 Programming reference guide download
 Users guide download
 Technical manual download
03/02/2024: fx-6500G
CASIO fx-6500G
03/02/2024: fx-6500G
01/02/2024: fx-4500p
The manual
31/01/2024: VX-1
31/01/2024: fx-4500p
CASIO fx-4500p
27/01/2024: SB-42s
 Download in french
09/01/2024: Pro fx-1
09/01/2024: fx-202p
07/01/2024: SHARP EL-5100
01/01/2024: HP-19c
01/01/2024: HP-19c
20/12/2023: Acquisitions: buying or gift
CASIO MD-120 (Japon / Rinkya)