This game, released in 1984, offers two modes:  Player mode: in this mode, you are a simple bettor. You have 3000 points and you have to bet on 9 races. The challenge is to find the first two in the race. You have the race conditions (weather), the type of race (flat or obstacle), the odds of each combination and the general preferences of the horses in terms of conditions and type of race.
 Jockey mode : in this mode, you will also participate in the race. You bet on the combinations as in the previous mode but during the race, you control one of the horses by acting on its speed, its lane and on the jockey's whip. Each action to increase speed costs you power. In the obstacle course, you must also initiate the jumps of the horse. At the end of the race, you receive the sums as a bettor and your jockey winnings in two separate counters.